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Yoi Kawakubo

b. 1979​

Spanish born Japanese artist based in London and Tokyo, he turned to artistic practice after studying neuroscience and disability sciences subsequently working as a financial trader for several years.

In his spatial installations, based on historical research and references to literature, all topics are complexly interconnected through his personal experience. He makes use of a wide range of media, covering from photography to architectural interventions, including video, perfumes or cocktails, that he rigorously differentiate depending on the context.

Some of his recurring topics are examinations on the nature of finances, nuclear power, genetics or land property. These questions are all neatly grounded on fundamental questions of philosophical nature such as the ontology of human identity, consciousness or reflections on the limits of representation.


Recent group exhibitions include Yokohama Triennale 2020 -Afterglow- (Yokohama, Japan, 2020), Roppongi Crossing 2019 - Connexions (Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2019), 21st DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow (National Art Center, Tokyo, 2019), Islands, Constellations and Galapagos -Yokohama Triennale 2017 (Yokohama, Japan, 2017), Linguamania (The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 2017), The Vision of Contemporary Art 2015 (The Ueno Royal Museum of Art, Tokyo, 2015), Visceral Sensations (21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan, 2013).

Recent solo exhibitions include I/body/ghost (Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix, London, 2018), Two million years of solitude, cherry blossoms and fifty thousand light-years more (Koganecho Site-A, Yokohama, Japan, 2017), Stella Maris was a name I found in a dream (Daiwa Foundation Japan House, London, 2016), and Fall (Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo, 2016).

He has won the Ohara Museum of Art Prize at the VOCA 2015 The Ueno Royal Museum of Art, Tokyo, and has been shortlisted for the Shiseido Art Egg Prize in 2016 and the Sovereign Asian Art Prize (HK) in 2012.

He has been the recipient of the POLA Art Foundation award for overseas research in 2016 and  Fellow of Overseas Study Programme for Artists, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan in 2017.


1979            Born in Toledo, Spain

2003            BA in Disability Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan

2005            Leaves doctoral course at the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences,

      University of Tsukuba

2005-2007   Works as a financial trader in Tokyo

2011            Artist in residence: Kareizawa Artist in Residence, Aomori, Japan

2013-2014   Artist in residence: Tokyo Wonder Site Creator in Residence

2013            Artist in residence: Tokyo University of the Arts (Programme for the development of emerging

                        artists to create the next generation’s culture, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of


2014            Artist in residence: Chelsea College of Arts and Design, London (Tokyo Wonder Site Exchange

                         Residency Program)

2015            Artist in residence: Art Action UK, London

2016-2017   Recipient of Grant for Overseas Research, The Pola Art Foundation.

                    Artist in residence: The Florence Trust Artist in Residency, London

2017-2018   Fellow of Overseas Research Programme for Artists, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government

                         of  Japan Lives and works between London and Tokyo


Selected Solo Exhibitions

2018            I/body/ghost, Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix, London

2017            Two million years of solitude, cherry blossoms and fifty thousand light-years more, Koganecho

                          Site-A, Yokohama, Japan

2016            Stella Maris was a name I found in a dream, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, London

                    Fall, Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo

2015            15,700 Suns, Project Sono-Aida, Tokyo

                    Two Million Years of Solitude, Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo

                    To tell a (hi)story, Husk Gallery, London

2012         Speak the Unspeakable, Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo

2009            Between Heaven and Hell, Shinjuku Ganka Gallery, Tokyo

2008            Lucid Dream, Punctum, Tokyo


Selected Group Exhibitions

2020      Yokohama Triennale 2020 -Afterglow-, Yokohama, Japan
2019            Roppongi Crossing 2019 - Connexions, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo  

                    21st “DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow” Exhibition, National Art Center, Tokyo

2018            Beyond Wonder - Perspectives on Utopia, Center for Art and Design, University of Nagoya

                          Secession, Hagiso, Tokyo

2017            All those ends, Arebyte Gallery, London

                    Kakegawa Chaennale, Kakegawa city hall, Japan

                    Yokohama Triennale 2017 - Islands, Constellations and Galapagos, Yokohama, Japan

                    Summer exhibition 2017, The Florence Trust, London

                    Seize the uncertain day, The University Art Museum - Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo

                    Linguamania, The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

2016            From seeing to seen, Sezon Art Gallery, Tokyo

                    The 19th Taro Award for Contemporary Art, Taro Okamoto Museum of Art, Kawasaki

2015            The Vision of Contemporary Art 2015, The Ueno Royal Museum of Art, Tokyo

2014            Tokyo Story 2014, Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya, Tokyo

2013            Tokyo Experimental Festival 2013, Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya, Tokyo

                    Visceral Sensations, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan

                    Sovereign Art Prize Finalists Exhibition2012, Espace Louis Vuitton Singapore, Singapore

                    Landtschaft: Solitude und Katharsis, Shinseido Tokyo Berlin, Berlin

2012            13 Gunzou, Canon Gallery Ginza, Tokyo

                    The Scene, hpgrp Gallery Tokyo, Tokyo

            KISS THE HEART#1, Mitsukoshi Nihonbashi, Tokyo

2011         Medium, Ohshima Fine Art, Tokyo

                  TOKYO WONDERWALL 2011, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo

                 Images on twelve minds, Museum of Modern Art, Saitama

2010            Air, Space Womb, New York

               LANDSCHAFT V, Radi-um Roengenwerke, Tokyo

               Pre-landscape, Shinjuku Ganka Gallery, Tokyo

              Memories of Light and Shadow, Museum of Modern Art, Saitama

               Tagboat DNAT, Sato Museum, Tokyo


Awards and Grants

2017            Fellow of Overseas Research Programme for Artists, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government 

                        of Japan

2016            Recipient of Grant for Overseas Research, The Pola Art Foundation.

                    10th Shiseido art egg Prize, finalist

                    19th The Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art, shortlist

2015            Ohara Museum of Art Prize, VOCA 2015

2014            Grant for Young Artists, 2012-2013, The Contemporary Art Foundation, Japan

2012            Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2012, Finalist

2011          International Color Awards, Photography Masters Cup, Honorable Mention, Nominee     

                       Tokyo Wonderwall 2011, Nominee

Lectures and public talks

2018             Yoi Kawakubo in conversation with Miryam Sas, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge,


2014            Art after Fukushima and Tohoku, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London

2013            Post 3.11: What Can Art Do? Four Years On: Art and the Disaster, The Free Word Centre,



Public collections and commission work

Ohara Museum of Art

Arts Council Tokyo

Tokyo University of the Arts

Development Bank of Japan


Selected Bibliography

Berger, Christian; Toyama, Terumi, I/body/ghost (exhibition catalogue) Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix, London, 2018

Yokohama Triennale 2017 - Islands, Constellations and Galapagos, (exhibition catalogue) Seigensha, Kyoto,2017

Carpenter, Ele, The Nuclear Culture Source Book 2016, Black Dog Publishing, London. p. 106

Nakao, Takuya, Between the sun and the Sea, April 2016, Bijutsu Techo, Bijutsu Shuppan-sha, Tokyo, pp. 188-189

Kurosawa, Ayako, Passing on invisible memories, Sankei Shinbun dated 12 Feb 2016

The 10th Shiseido art egg (exhibition catalogue) Shiseido, Tokyo, 2016

Okabe, Aomi, Encounter fruition of different cultures, Tokyo Shinbun dated 10 July 2015

© 2022 Yoi Kawakubo

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